Friday, January 05, 2007

I am now in Cape Town, South Africa. My flight was suprsingly painless. For Canada- London I read a book on the apocalypse, watched a movie about loss of innocence and looked up every reference to hell in the Bible. Fun times. I had a 10 hour break in London, which I spend wandering around and realizing how little I know about London. "What's that? Looks big.. there's a sign... ahh, Buckingham palace." I slept through much of the London-Afria flight, and played "Space Invaders". Hooray for South African Airways having video games!


Anonymous said...

Glad that you made it alive. Cheers for "Space Invaders". I wish they had it in all planes, and cars for that matter.

Filth- Man said...

Hi Ruth!!!

Space invaders does indeed rule, especially the modern plane version where the invaders shoot back.