Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Waterfall Climbing

Just to Scare my Mom...

Man, I love doing stupid stuff sometimes. Yesterday I climbed up the waterfall pictured. I had to shove my body through a thorn tree at one point, when the rocks got to smooth to grip onto. Fingers cut, knee bleeding freely, branches raking my sunburned neck and loose rocks and dirt falling down, but I made it up. Afterwards, I tried to climb out of the gorge I was in. About 15 feet up I thought better of it, and on the way back down my $10 G-Unit shoes slicked out, and my hat plummeted down as I hung onto a branch. A branch! It was friggin' cool, and I was low enough to find a safe spot and drop down unhurt. That was the biggest rush of pure adrenaline I've had in a long time.

Anyway, enough of climbing, I'm off to visit some missionary friends as soon as they answer their phone.


Unknown said...

Yeah I am pretty sure 50 cent was not to concerned with the climbing ability of his shoes. But more importantly then your safety, is your hat ok?

Filth- Man said...

Stupid 50. Yes, my hat is fine.

Do you have a secret blogger profile, because my blog seems to think so. If you, you should email me the link.

Filth- Man said...


I'm heading to Pastor Robert's place at noon today in Kryfontein for about a week. I will be "driving around with him, which I will really enjoy".

Anonymous said...

I dont believe I have a secret blogger profile. But sometimes when I type comments for your blog it says I do. I think your blog just really likes me :)

p.s. dont get hijacked

Lucid Elusion said...

Have you ever noticed that in this picture, the waterfall kinda looks like a fish?
Just sayin' ;)

Filth- Man said...

Um, no...